
Closing a door

This post has been sitting in my drafts folder for a year now. It has never been the right time to post this. I have always been worried about the backlash. I’ve skirted around talking about this issue publicly for some time, but not acknowledging the elephant in the room has eaten away at me a bit. So, here goes.

Here’s the deal: I’m not a Linux kernel developer any more. I quietly transferred the maintainership of the USB 3.0 host controller driver in May 2014. In January 2015, I stepped down from being the Linux kernel coordinator for the FOSS Outreach Program for Women (OPW), and moved up to help coordinate the overall Outreachy program. As of December 6 2014, I gave what I hope is my last presentation on Linux kernel development. I was asked to help coordinate the Linux Plumbers Conference in Seattle in August 2015, and I said no. My Linux Foundation Technical Advisory Board (TAB) term is soon over, and I will not be running for re-election.

Given the choice, I would never send another patch, bug report, or suggestion to a Linux kernel mailing list again. My personal boxes have oopsed with recent kernels, and I ignore it. My current work on userspace graphics enabling may require me to send an occasional quirks kernel patch, but I know I will spend at least a day dreading the potential toxic background radiation of interacting with the kernel community before I send anything.

I am no longer a part of the Linux kernel community.

This came about after a very long period of thought, and a lot of succession planning. I didn’t take the decision to step down lightly. I felt guilty, for a long time, for stepping down. However, I finally realized that I could no longer contribute to a community where I was technically respected, but I could not ask for personal respect. I could not work with people who helpfully encouraged newcomers to send patches, and then argued that maintainers should be allowed to spew whatever vile words they needed to in order to maintain radical emotional honesty. I did not want to work professionally with people who were allowed to get away with subtle sexist or homophobic jokes. I feel powerless in a community that had a “Code of Conflict” without a specific list of behaviors to avoid and a community with no teeth to enforce it.

I have the utmost respect for the technical efforts of the Linux kernel community. They have scaled and grown a project that is focused on maintaining some of the highest coding standards out there. The focus on technical excellence, in combination with overloaded maintainers, and people with different cultural and social norms, means that Linux kernel maintainers are often blunt, rude, or brutal to get their job done. Top Linux kernel developers often yell at each other in order to correct each other’s behavior.

That’s not a communication style that works for me. I need communication that is technically brutal but personally respectful. I need people to correct my behavior when I’m doing something wrong (either technically or socially) without tearing me down as a person. We are human. We make mistakes, and we correct them. We get frustrated with someone, we over-react, and then we apologize and try to work together towards a solution.

I would prefer the communication style within the Linux kernel community to be more respectful. I would prefer that maintainers find healthier ways to communicate when they are frustrated. I would prefer that the Linux kernel have more maintainers so that they wouldn’t have to be terse or blunt.

Sadly, the behavioral changes I would like to see in the Linux kernel community are unlikely to happen any time soon. Many senior Linux kernel developers stand by the right of maintainers to be technically and personally brutal. Even if they are very nice people in person, they do not want to see the Linux kernel communication style change.

What that means is they are privileging the emotional needs of other Linux kernel developers (to release their frustrations on others, to be blunt, rude, or curse to blow off steam) over my own emotional needs (the need to be respected as a person, to not receive verbal or emotional abuse). There’s an awful power dynamic there that favors the established maintainer over basic human decency.

I’m not posting this for kernel developers. I’m not posting this to point fingers at specific people. I’m posting this because I grieve for the community that I no longer want to be a part of. I’m posting this because I feel sad every time someone thanks me for standing up for better community norms, because I have essentially given up trying to change the Linux kernel community. Cultural change is a slow, painful process, and I no longer have the mental energy to be an active part of that cultural change in the kernel.

I have hope that the Linux kernel community will change over time. I have been a part of that change, and the documentation, tutorials, and the programs that I’ve started (like the Outreachy kernel internships) will continue to grow in my absence. Maybe I’ll be back some day, when things are better. I have a decades long career in front of me. I can wait. In the meantime, there’s other, friendlier open source communities for me to play in.

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

– Alexander Graham Bell

(FYI, comments will be moderated by someone other than me. As this is my blog, not a government entity, I have the right to replace any comment I feel like with “fart fart fart fart”. Don’t expect any responses from me either here or on social media for a while; I’ll be offline for at least a couple days.)

Edit: I would highly recommend you read my follow-up post, “What makes a good community”

Edit 2: Please stop suggesting BSDs or Canonical/Ubuntu as “better” communities.

I won Red Hat’s Women in Open Source Award!

At Red Hat Summit, I was presented with the first ever Women in Open Source Award.  I’m really honored to be recognized for both my technical contributions, and my efforts to make open source communities a better place.

For the past two years, I’ve worked as a coordinator for Outreachy, a program providing paid internships in open source to women (cis and trans), trans men, genderqueer people, and all participants of the Ascend Project.  I truly believe that newcomers to open source thrive when they’re provided mentorship, a supportive community, and good documentation.  When newcomers build relationships with their mentors and present their work at conferences, it leads to job opportunities working in open source.

That’s why I’m donating the $2,500 stipend for the Women in Open Source Award to Outreachy.  It may go towards internships, travel funding, or even paying consultants to advise us as we expand the program to include other underrepresented minorities.  There’s a saying in the activist community, “Nothing about us without us.”  We want to make sure that people of color are involved with the effort to expand Outreachy, and it’s unfair to ask those people to perform free labor when they’re already paid less than their white coworkers, and they may even be penalized for promoting diversity.

I urge people to donate to Outreachy, so we can get more Outreachy interns to conferences, and expand our internships to bring more underrepresented minorities into open source.  Any donation amount helps, and it’s tax deductible!

Sarah Sharp wins Women in Open Source Award!

OPW Successes and Succession Planning

It’s been a busy winter for the FOSS Outreach Program for Women (OPW).  On October 13, 2014, seven (yes, seven!) of the former Linux kernel OPW interns presented their projects at LinuxCon Europe.  From left to right, the OPW alumni are: Valentina Manea, Kristina Martšenko, Ana Rey, Sarah Sharp (coordinator), Himangi Saraogi, Teodora Băluţă, Andreea-Cristina Bernat, and Rashika Kheria.

OPW Kernel Interns & Coordinator at LinuxCon Europe 2014

The OPW presentation room was packed, and I had a couple Linux kernel developers come up to me afterwards and say, “I didn’t realize how complex some of the projects were!”  The OPW Linux kernel interns presented their work on Staging IIO drivers, Coccinelle, RCU, removing tree-wide warnings to allow more gcc warnings flags to be turned on, USB over IP, displaying kernel oopses in QR codes, and netfilter tables.  Slides are available here.

I’d like to thank the Linux Foundation for covering additional travel costs for several of the interns.  I would also like to thank the internship sponsors, Intel, Linux Foundation, Linaro, and Codethink.  Finally, this year’s internships could not have been possible without the time volunteered by our Linux kernel mentors: Adrian Chadd, Bob Copeland, Andy Grover, Nick Kossifidis, Greg Kroah-Hartman, Paul McKinney, Pablo Neira, Julia LaWall, Rik van Riel, Luis R. Rodriguez, Josh Triplett, and Peter Waskiewicz Jr.

The OPW application period for the December 2014 to March 2015 internships closed on Friday, Oct 31.  The Linux kernel continues to be the most popular project in OPW:

  • 24 people applied for an internship and got at least one patch into the Staging tree
  • 551 staging cleanup patches were accepted during the one-month application process
  • 382 files changed, 3464 insertions(+), 4243 deletions(-)

I’m pleased to announce that the following people have been selected for OPW Linux kernel internships from December 2014 to March 2015:

  • Iulia Manda will work with Josh Triplett on kernel tinification.
  • Tina Ruchandan will work with Arnd Bergmann on fixing the kernel subsystems that still have issues with 32-bit timer wrap in 2038.
  • Tapasweni Patha will work with Julia Lawall and Nicolas Palix on using Coccinelle to track the increase of common bug patterns since a whitepaper was published in 2011.
  • Roberta Dobresc will work with Octavian Purdila and Daniel Baluta on migrating Staging IIO drivers to use the kernel’s I/O APIs.
  • Ebru Akagundu will work with Rik van Riel on improving transparent huge page swap performance.

I would like to thank the sponsors for this round: Intel, Codethink, and Samsung.  Without their funding, it would not be possible to pay the OPW interns for their hard work.

The OPW Linux kernel internships have been a great success.  So it is with mixed, bittersweet feelings that I announce I will be stepping down as the coordinator for the Linux kernel OPW internships.  The program is running smoothly, and I find joy every day in watching the OPW Linux kernel interns learn and grow.  However, I am no longer a part of the Linux kernel community.  Julia Lawall, the maintainer of Coccinelle, will be stepping into the role of OPW kernel coordinator.

Fortunately, I’m not leaving the OPW program altogether.  I’ve agreed to step up to help Marina Zhurakhinskaya and Karen Sandler coordinate the larger OPW program, and I will be there to help Julia when she takes over as kernel coordinator in February 2015.

I am proud to have jump-started the effort to make the Linux kernel community more diverse by providing a pipeline for women to get involved in Linux kernel development.  With the help of mentors and sponsors, we’re slowly increasing the diversity of the Linux kernel community.  Four of the eleven OPW interns from the first year the kernel participated in OPW have gotten jobs as Linux kernel developers.

We’re not only improving the community for women developers. We’re helping all newcomers by creating detailed tutorials on how to make your first Linux kernel patch and sharing tips for how to break into open source development culture.  OPW is encouraging Linux kernel developers to think about mentorship and sharing their todo lists, which can only help newcomers find larger kernel projects to tackle. Diversity efforts improve communities for everyone.

Installing Debian on ASUS UX301LA

I ran into some issues with installing Debian on my new Hawell ASUS zenbook laptop. I’m documenting it on my blog to try and ease anyone else’s struggles.

I used the Debian CD image instead of the netinstall. I accidentally installed Debian stable, but later added apt sources to use Debian testing. I used the 20140712 Wheezy amd64 install ISO on a USB 3.0 flash drive.  The drive was plugged into the right side, but I doubt that makes a difference.

Step 1: Reconfigure the BIOS boot options.

Plug in the USB drive, and boot the laptop while pressing F2 to go into the BIOS.  Go into the boot menu, secure boot menu, and disable secure boot.  Go back to the boot menu and enable CSM. Change the boot order so that the USB UEFI boot option is first (before the Windows boot option).  Save, unplug the USB drive, exit BIOS, and boot into Windows.

Step 2: Repartition drives in Windows.

Hit Windows key, type ‘disk’ and click the partitioner.  I had the laptop version with two 256GB drives with software raid, which showed up as a 256GB drive D:/ and a 200GB drive C:/.  I deleted drive D:/, and shrunk drive C:/ as much as the partitioner would allow (which still left 60GB free for Windows to use for my Steam games that don’t have Linux support yet).

Step 3: Go through some of the Debian installer process.

Start the Debian installer. Ignore that it can’t find our network device, pick a host name and add root and normal users.  Choose ‘Manual’ when it comes to partitioning disks.  You’ll see the software raid partition looks like this:

Step 4: Fix the EFI partition.  Select the fat32 EFI system partition, and change ‘Use as’ to ‘EFI boot partition’.

Step 5: Add a new Linux partition.

Choose ‘Automatically partition the free space’ and choose ‘All files in one partition’.  Once the partitions are created, select the ext4 root partition (‘/’) and (optionally) change the mount options to include relatime.  This means that file timestamps aren’t updated automatically, which means less disk writes to the SSDs, thus increasing the lifetime of the disks. If you like, set a label for the root partition so you can see it in Windows later.  After you’re done, the partition disks screen should look like this, and you can hit ‘Finish partitioning and write changes to disk’:

Step 6: Go further in the Debian install process.

Don’t use a network mirror. Pick whether you want to send installed package information to Debian or not. Select Debian desktop and system utilities and continue.

Step 7: Fix grub install failure.

Jamey Sharp figured this out, thanks for his help!  It seems that the standard grub installer was confused by the “Intel Matrix Storage Manager” or IMSM, that’s firmware for booting to RAID setups.  Basically, the BIOS knew about the RAID setup, Linux (mdadm and the kernel) knew about IMSM, but grub didn’t. Grub didn’t know the BIOS used IMSM and could boot from the disk, so grub didn’t think the hard drive was bootable.  Silly grub!

Go to a shell by pressing CTRL+ALT+F2.  Type this command:

df /target

Look at the output of that command.  It will list the file system mount that corresponds to /target (the mount point of the root file system where Debian installs to).  It should look something like /dev/md126p6.  The ‘p6’ is one particular partition on the RAID array, but we want grub to use the whole disk, so we strip off the partition designation for the next couple of commands.  Type this command:

cat > /target/boot/grub/

and then type:

(hd0) /dev/md126

and hit CTRL+d to stop writing to the file.  Then go back to the installer (in the text installer, that’s ATL+F1, but it’s ALT+F5 in the graphical installer).  Hit ‘continue’ and ‘continue’ again to go back to the Debian installer main menu.  Again, hit enter on the ‘Install grub bootloader on the hard disk’.  The installation should complete successfully.

Step 8: Add grub UEFI boot option.

Unplug the USB key, and hit F2 to go back into the BIOS.  The Debian installer didn’t create a UEFI boot option for the grub installation, so we have to make one manually.  Go into the boot menu, and hit ‘Add New Boot Option’ and then ‘Add boot option’.  Pick a name for it (‘GRUB’). Under ‘Path for boot option’, there should only be one choice of filesystem, which starts with PCI. Under ‘Select a file to boot’ choose EFI and then debian and finally grubx64.efi.  Choose ‘Create’ and you’re done adding the boot option.  Hit ‘escape’ to get back to the boot menu.  You’ll need to change the boot option priorities to make grub the first boot option (which means you’ll need to go into the BIOS and change it back should you want to boot into Windows).  Save and exit the BIOS.

Step 9: Update your packages and install Intel wireless firmware.

Debian stable (which is running a 3.2 kernel) will boot into GNOME 3 compatitbility mode because it doesn’t have kernel or mesa support ffor the Haswell Intel graphics.  The kernel also doesn’t recognize the wireless PCI device.  You’ll have to use the USB network adapter and plug into an ethernet cable.

Add the Debian stable sources by editing /etc/apt/sources.list so that it says:

deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb jessie main contrib non-free

You may want to use a different local mirror closer to you.

Run `aptitude` as root, and mark all packages that are upgradable. Mark the firmware-iwlwifi package for installation. And install all your new packages from Debian testing!

After a reboot, both wifi and graphics should be working correctly.

The Gentle Art of Patch Review

As the next round of the FOSS Outreach Program for Women (OPW) approaches, my mind turns to mentorship, and lessons learned when dealing with newcomers to open source projects.  Many open source contributors have been in the FOSS community for long enough to forget how painful their first experience contributing to a project was.  As the coordinator for the Linux kernel OPW internships, I get to help newcomers go through that experience every six months.  I’ve learned a lot about how we, as open source reviewers, maintainers, and mentors, can help newcomers during their first contributions, and I’d like to share some of the perspective I’ve gained from OPW.

The Newcomer’s Perspective

As a newcomer, you’ll come at the project with enthusiasm and determination to do your best to make a really good first contribution.  You’ll try to find all the documentation for the project you’re working on, and read through it, only to realize it’s completely outdated and incomplete.  You’ll ping mentors and ask questions, but you may not be able to reach the right person to answer your question.  So you do the best you can with the resources you find, cross your fingers, and submit your first contribution.

It’s common for newcomers to blame themselves when they make mistakes in their first contributions.  You’ll cringe, wring your hands, smack your forehead, or maybe even put your head in your hands.  Then you’ll sigh and try again.  No matter how good the documentation for contributing to the project is, how meticulous you are, you will slip up at some point.  And that’s fine, because you are going through a process of learning something new, and expanding your skills.  The most productive contributors see each mistake they make as a growth opportunity, instead of a personal failure.

The Maintainer’s Perspective

As a long-standing open source contributor, you may get contributions from newcomers all the time.  You’ll see several of them make the same mistakes over and over again, and if you have enough time, you’ll update your project documentation to help people avoid those mistakes.  Often you don’t have time, and the documentation doesn’t get updated.  Or you’ll think that something is so blindingly obvious that everyone should understand it, without realizing how much specialized experience you need to have that knowledge.

At some point in as a maintainer, you will be completely overloaded with contributions from both newcomers and familiar, trusted contributors.  It’s easy to review those contributions from long-standing contributors, because they know your expectations and the rules around contributing.  You trust them to write solid code containing very few bugs.  So you review the contributions from trusted contributors, and put off reviewing contributions from newcomers until you have a large block of time to thoroughly review the newcomer’s contribution.

It’s tempting to just go through the newcomer’s contribution from start to finish, commenting on every single thing they missed.  The maintainer’s mindset is, “Ok, I have time, I should share my knowledge with this person who is obviously missing some tribal knowledge they need to contribute to my project.”  From the newcomer’s perspective, what they experience is their contribution being ignored for days or even weeks, followed by a very long email full of nit-picky comments on coding style, criticism of their code structure, and even comments about their spelling and grammar.  Even if the review is fair and neutrally worded with a focus on their technical mistakes, it still feels very harsh.

We Can Do Better

How can we make this process better on both sides?  How can we make the first patch review less harsh, and still respect the maintainer’s valuable time?  Can we make turn around time on first patch review even shorter?  When I was the xHCI driver maintainer, I started experimenting with a different way of reviewing contributions from newcomers that I think might help address all three of these issues.

The Three-Phase Contribution Review

Instead of putting off reviewing first-time contributions and thoroughly reviewing everything in the contribution at once, I propose a three-phase review process for maintainers:

  1. Is the idea behind the contribution sound?
  2. Is the contribution architected correctly?
  3. Is the contribution polished?

You can compare these contribution review phases to the phases of building a new house or taking on a remodeling project.  The first phase is a simple yes or no on the architectural diagram, the big idea of the contribution.  The second phase is getting all the structural issues correct and making sure the plumbing and electrical all connect properly.  The third phase is making everything polished, sanding off the rough corners, and slapping on a coat of paint to match whatever color the bike shed is currently painted.

Phase One: Good or Bad Idea?

The first phase of the contribution review should only require a simple yes or no answer from the maintainer: “Is this contribution a good idea?”  If the contribution isn’t useful or it’s a bad idea, it isn’t worth reviewing further.  The best action in this case is to refocus the newcomer on a better idea or a completely different area they could work on.  Or open a discussion with the newcomer and other contributors as to what should be done to address the issue in a different way.

If the contribution is worthwhile, but you don’t have time to go onto the second phase of patch review, do NOT say nothing.  Instead, drop the contributor an email that says, “Thanks for this contribution!  I like the concept of this patch, but I don’t have time to thoroughly review it right now.  Ping me if I haven’t reviewed it in a week.”  This builds the newcomer up by expressing appreciation for the time and effort they put into creating this contribution, and lets them know they’re on the right path.  It also gives you incentive to actually move onto phase two, because the contributor will bug you again if you haven’t reviewed the contribution.

Phase Two: Is this Architecturally Sound?

In phase two, you review the contribution to see whether the code (and only the code) is architecturally correct.  Focus on whether the code is sound at an architectural level. Is the code behavior correct?  Are they modifying the right functions, or does the code need to be moved around?  Have they structured their build files correctly?  Do they need to refactor any code?  Do they need to get buy-in on the code structure from other maintainers?  Are there potential hazards or tricky parts of the code that the everyone needs to review carefully?

You will need to squash the nit-picky, perfectionist part of yourself that wants to comment on every single grammar mistake or code style issue.  Instead, only include a sentence or two with a pointer to coding style documentation, or any tools they will need to run their contribution through.  If their patch needs to be updated against a newer version of your project, or a different maintainer’s upstream repository, point that out.  Avoid nit-picking every instance where they violate your project’s contribution style rules. Your eyeballs may be bleeding from the number of camel case variable names or variables names that use variable type encoding, but take a deep breath and ignore that.  Let them explore the tools, documentation, and fix (most) of their mistakes on their own.

Double check and make sure the documentation and tools actually document the mistakes you see in the code, and if they don’t, update them.  Your documentation and tools should clearly spell out the format of a valid contribution, and if they don’t, you need to address that technical documentation debt.  If you don’t have time to address that technical documentation debt, tell the contributor what needs to be fixed, and see if they have the time to address it.  Don’t be silent just because you don’t have time to fix it.

Phase Three: Is the Contribution Polished?

From a newcomer’s perspective, after phase two is complete, they’re hooked on getting their contribution in.  You’ve worked with them on an architectural level, and they know you want to accept their contribution.  They’re emotionally invested in getting their contribution into your project, and they’ve learned a lot by going through a couple contribution revisions.  Thank the contributor for being patient this far and remind them that you’re willing to accept the contribution, but they need to clean up a few small things first.

Now is the time for phase three: the polishing phase.  In this phase, you finally get to comment on the meta (non-code) parts of the contribution.  Correct any spelling or grammar mistakes, suggest clearer wording for comments, and ask for any updated documentation for the code.  It doesn’t make sense to create documentation for the code until the code is structurally sound, which is why the documentation phase comes last.  You may also need to encourage them to write a better commit message, mark the patch to be back ported to stable versions of your software, or Cc the right maintainers.

As a newcomer, this third and final phase can be more painful than the architectural critiques in the second phase.  Many young programmers lean towards science, math, and technology because they feel like they don’t excel in writing or people skills.  Contributors may also be writing in a language that is not their native tongue.  That’s why this nit-picky phase comes last, so that the contributors get over their embarrassment after they’re emotionally invested in getting their patches into your project. Be gentle, patient, and compassionate.  As a maintainer, you may suggest comments or patch descriptions that you hope the contributor simply copy-pastes into their patch.  You may have to just edit the patch description yourself.

How Does This Benefit Maintainers?

I’ve found that this three-phase contribution review process saves me (as a maintainer) a lot of mental stress.  The first phase is a simple yes or no question (“Is this a good or bad idea?”), which means I don’t procrastinate on reviewing first time contributions.  Being up front with contributors about not having time to review their contribution can initially feel like shirking duties, but I feel a mental load lifting when I get over that and simply say something like, “Hey, this patch looks like a good idea, but I don’t have time to review it right now. I’m heading to a conference next week, and need to work on my slides.  Can you ping me in two weeks if I haven’t reviewed your code?”

If you’re honest with contributors about your time commitments, they know their contribution is wanted, and they can pass your time commitments onto their boss or program manager.  Also, if you find yourself delaying contribution review often, it may be a sign you need a co-maintainer or you need to ask other contributors to do more code review.

The absolute worst thing you can do during phase one is be completely silent.  The newcomer doesn’t know whether their contribution is a good or bad idea, and any discussion that needs to happen with other maintainers to modify the fundamental concept never happens.  That’s why phase one is a simple yes or no answer, in order to get the code review ball rolling.

I’ve also heard some maintainers state that they want to dump all their review into phase two.  They have precious little time, and they fear they will forget specific feedback if they break code review into several phases.  I will often notice nit-picky coding style issues during my architectural review, and I will make a note to myself to nip that pattern in the bud in phase three.  Keeping a dated text file per patchset or even replying to the patch but only adding your own email address in the To field will help you keep track of the issues that need to get addressed in phase three.

Often by the time you get past the architectural discussion in phase two, you’ll find many of your initial nit-picky criticisms were addressed.  A conscientious contributor will look at the documentation and tools you point out in phase two, and will address most of them in their next revisions.  What will be left for the third (polishing) phase is mistakes made because of undocumented tribal knowledge, or rules that are undocumented because they differ from maintainer to maintainer within the project.

Try It Out!

The following three-phase contribution review process should help both maintainers and newcomers:

  1. Is the idea behind the contribution sound?
  2. Is the contribution architected correctly?
  3. Is the contribution polished?

Maintainers will be able to respond more quickly to contribution review if they focus on just answering one question during the first phase of review: “Is this a good or bad idea?”  Newcomers will be encouraged by a timely email that states whether the basic concept of their patch is sound.  Both the maintainer and the contributor benefit from splitting the actual code review into an architectural discussion, followed by a polishing phase.  Maintainers will save themselves time if they simply point out documentation and tools contributors should use to ensure their contribution is up to community standards, and the nit-picky polishing phase is saved for after the newcomer is emotionally invested in getting their contribution into your project.

I think this process should both save maintainers time, and decrease the bounce rate for newcomers, so I encourage you to try it out!

2014 Kernel Internship Report (OPW)

For the past year and a half, the Linux kernel has participated as a project under the FOSS Outreach Program for Women (OPW). OPW provides a three month paid internship for women (cis and trans) and genderqueer or genderfluid people. After a month-long application process, the selected OPW interns are paired with an open source mentor to work on a project. As of August 2014, there are eleven Linux kernel OPW alumni, and five interns that are just finishing up their internships.

The results from the past three OPW rounds are stunning:

  • 1,092 patches accepted into the Linux kernel from OPW alumni and interns
  • Lines of code added and deleted: +32,327, -193,938
  • OPW was a top contributor for the 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, and 3.14 kernels

The sheer number of patches the OPW kernel interns and alumni have created is impressive. They’ve been in the LWN top kernel contributor statistics since the program started in the 3.11 kernel, and they continue to be a top contributor despite the lack of published data for the 3.15 and 3.16 kernels. Making it over the thousand patch mark is a cause to celebrate.  More importantly, the OPW kernel interns and alumni have deleted six times more code than they added. They’re deleting dead code and unused drivers, and thus removing bugs from the Linux kernel.

The statistics from the code development efforts from the OPW kernel interns and alumni are impressive. However, contributing to open source isn’t just about writing code. It’s about interacting on mailing lists, reviewing code, writing documentation, answering questions, working on graphical design, maintaining project websites, and so much more.

The main goal of the OPW internship program is to create a long-term relationship between the mentee, the mentor, and their open source community, in order encourage minorities to continue to contribute to open source. How are we progressing towards the goal of creating more women kernel developers? Are the women who complete OPW kernel internships continuing to work on open source projects after their internship ends? Do they find jobs where they can be paid to work on open source?

In order to measure this, I created a longitudinal study to measure open source contributions of OPW alumni. I’ll send out the survey every 6 to 12 months, and compare the results of the program over time. The most recent survey results from our eleven Linux Kernel OPW alumni shows the program is successful at encouraging women to continue to participate in open source.

Graph of the monthly FOSS contributions from OPW kernel alumni

At least monthly, OPW alumni are engaging and contributing to open source communities. Most of them participate through code submission, testing, and discussion on mailing lists, IRC, or forums. However, it’s interesting to note that a few of the OPW alumni have stepped into open source leadership positions, either by reviewing contributions, maintaining a project, or by managing a team of open source contributors.

Another exciting result of OPW is that some of the kernel OPW alumni are getting paid to work as Linux Kernel developers. Teodora Băluţă is working on Android kernel drivers for Intel’s Open Source Technology Center. Lisa Nguyen is working for Linaro on ARM power management. Lidza Louina is a kernel developer at Oracle.  Xenia Ragiadakou also works on Linux kernel power tuning at OnApp. Elena Ufimtseva isn’t being paid to work on the Linux kernel, but she is working on a proprietary project at Citrix.

I’m overjoyed that these women have found jobs in the technology sector, and so many of them are paid to work as Linux kernel developers. This fact is heartening to me because some of the women that participated in OPW were working in retail before their internship. To be able to move into the technology sector or be hired as a Linux kernel developer is a giant step in the right direction, and I’m happy that the OPW program could be a part of that.

It’s exciting to see five of the eleven OPW kernel alumni get jobs in the technology sector. Four of the kernel OPW kernel alumni are still working their way through Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees. Two OPW kernel alumni are actively looking for jobs. If you need to hire a junior kernel developer, please email the opening to sarah dot a dot sharp at intel dot com, and I will pass the job description onto our OPW alumni.

I will continue to coordinate the Linux kernel mentors and interns under the FOSS Outreach Program for Women (OPW).  The next internship period will run from December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015.  Applications for the next round open September 8th, and the Linux kernel contributions will be due October 31, 2014.  (Most OPW projects have a deadline of October 22, but the kernel project application process will be on hiatus from October 10 to 20 because many mentors will be attending LinuxCon Europe, Embedded Linux Conference Europe, and Linux Plumbers Conference.  Apply and get your kernel patches in early!)

If you’re interested in applying to be an OPW intern, you can find more information on how to apply on the OPW homepage, and on the OPW kernel project page.  Please note that you do not have to be a student to apply to OPW.  The only requirement is that you’re able to work full-time during the internship period, and that you are a woman (cis or trans), or a genderqueer or genderfluid individual.  This round, we’re also running a pilot to explore opening up the project to other under-represented minorities in tech, by allowing alumni from the Ascend Project to apply.  If the pilot is successful, we’ll be able to expand OPW to encourage chronically underemployed, LGBTQ, Latin@, and African American populations to participate in open source.

[Update 08/26: Fixed this post to note that both Lidza and Xenia are being paid to work as Linux kernel developers.]

Progress on Graphics

I’m back from my 8-week sabbatical!  My roadtrip was a lot of fun, but now it’s time to get back to work.

In the month I’ve been back, I’ve been making good progress on learning about ChromeOS and graphics.   I have some really awesome, patient mentors (Josh Triplett and Chad Versace) who have been helping me learn about the ChromeOS build system and graphics.  At this point, I can build and install my own ChromeOS images and individual packages.  The build system is both complex and kinda crufty, like some sort of horribly rusty swiss army knife.  (Really, you have two separate build systems for subversion and git projects?)  However, I’m really impressed with ChromeOS test suite and the ability to kick off remote tests.  If only the Google developers would stop breaking the build…

On the graphics side, four of my patches got merged into mesa and piglit to add support and tests for a ChromeOS-specific EGL extension.  Chad has been creating graphics tutorials to introduce both Josh and I to userspace graphics concepts.  There’s a lot of new concepts to learn, everything from vertices and model transforms to relearning my Linear Alegebra.

Getting to work in userspace again has been so much fun.  Being able to use tools like strace and gdb to step through the code simply isn’t possible when you’re in a kernel interrupt service routine.  Some days I do miss hardware, poking at bits to make lights blink, but it’s really gratifying to see the tangible graphics work on my screen.  I’ve completed the GL version of “hello world” and completed Chad’s tutorial to make a triangle appear on the screen.  It was really satisfying to figure out how to make it spin around the Z axis.

Onwards to my next adventure!

I’m joining the Intel OTC ChromeOS differentiation team, and transitioning maintainership of the xHCI driver over to Mathias Nyman.

I’ve only been officially on the team for a couple of weeks, but I’m already playing with webGL tutorials and learning about vertices, shaders, EGL extensions, piglet tests, and loads more about graphics.  It’s been really great working with Josh Triplett and Chad Versace. I managed to join the team in time to attend their group quarterly event at Ground Kontrol.  We played pinball, 80’s games, and DDR for hours. 🙂

Donate to the Ada Initiative!

Want to support women in tech? Donate to the Ada Initiative!

For the last two years, I’ve been going to the conferences the Ada Initiative has put on for women in open technology and culture. It’s a really awesome experience to be in a room full of hundreds of techie, geeky women. There’s everyone from open source developers to security analysts, hardware hackers to fan fiction writers. Heck, I even met a documentary producer at the last AdaCamp in San Francisco.

One of the most important things I learned at Ada Camp was how to combat impostor syndrome. It’s basically the feeling that you’re not really that smart, that your accomplishments are just luck, and some day, someone is going to find out, and you’ll get humiliated/fired/shunned. It’s surprising the number of highly successful tech women who experience this feeling.  I used to have the worst case of impostor syndrome, until the women at AdaCamp taught me how to fight it.

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Summary on Civility

Peace, love, and Linux by flickr user amayita
The LKML thread where I stood up against verbal abuse has been winding down. I’ve posted a summary of my position. As I noted, I have been listening and learning from the arguments on the thread. In the course of the thread, my personal viewpoints have changed subtly, and I’ve chosen to push for change in areas where I think I might actually make headway. It wouldn’t be a discussion if no one changed their mind.

Nothing is going to change overnight in the Linux kernel community. As Casey Schaufler pointed out, I cannot force or demand change. I’m merely asking to discuss the possibly of change at the Linux Kernel Summit.

Thank you for listening and debating on this subject. Open discussion can only improve our community.