One of my resolutions for 2019 is to be more transparent about the work I’ve been doing for Outreachy. Hopefully (fingers crossed) this means you’ll be seeing a blog post once a month.
I’ll also throw in a selfie per month. My face is changing since I’ve been on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone) for about 7 months now. I started to get some peach fuzz around month 5. It’s still patchy, but I’m growing it out anyway so I can see if I can get a beard!
What is Outreachy?
Outreachy is a three-month internship program. It’s completely remote (both interns and mentors come from around the world). We pay the interns a $5,500 USD stipend for the three months, plus a $500 travel stipend to attend a conference or event related to their internship or free software.
The goal of the internship is to introduce people to free and open source software. Outreachy has projects that involve programming, documentation, graphic design, user experience, user advocacy, and data science.
Outreachy’s other goal is to support people from groups underrepresented in the technology industry. We expressly invite women (both cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people to apply. We also expressly invite applications from residents and nationals of the United States of any gender who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, Native American/American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. Anyone who faces under-representation, systemic bias, or discrimination in the technology industry of their country is invited to apply.
What’s My Role?
I own Otter Tech LLC, which is a diversity and inclusion consulting company. It’s been my full-time job since July 2016. I work with clients (mostly in the technology or free software space) that want to improve their culture and better support people from groups underrepresented in tech. Outreachy is one of my clients.
I am one of five Outreachy organizers. Two of us (Marina Zhurakhinskaya and I) are heavily involved in running the internship application process. Karen Sandler is great at finding funding for us. The whole Outreachy organizers team (including Tony Sebro and Cindy Pallares-Quezada) makes important decisions about the direction of the program.
Outreachy also recently hired two part-time staff members. They’ve been helping Outreachy applicants during the application period, and then also helping Outreachy interns when the internship is running. We don’t have a good name for their role yet, but we’ve sort of settled on “Outreachy Helpers”
December 2018 Progress
The December 2018 to March 2018 internship round kicked off on December 4. Usually that’s downtime for me as an Outreachy organizer, because mentors and coordinators step up to interact with their interns. In the past, the only real interaction the Outreachy organizers had with interns was if their mentor indicated they were having issues (yikes!). This month was spent increasing the frequency and types of check-ins with interns and mentors.
Outreachy Chat Server
This round, we’re trying something new to have the Outreachy interns talk with Outreachy organizers and with each other. We’ve set up a private invitation-only Zulip chat server, and invited all the Outreachy organizers, interns, mentors, and coordinators. I’ve been doing a bit of community management, participating in discussions, and answering questions that Outreachy interns have as they start their internship. I also ran a text-based discussion and then a video chat for Outreachy interns to do a second week check-in.
I think the Outreachy Zulip chat has worked out well! I see interns connecting across different free software communities, and mentors from other communities helping different interns. Zulip has the concept of “streams” which are basically chat rooms. We have a couple of different streams, like a general chat channel and a channel for asking questions about Outreachy internship procedures. I’m fairly certain that I got more questions on the Zulip chat from interns than we ever got by using email and IRC.
Frequent Feedback
The other thing we’re doing this round is collecting feedback in a different way. In the past, we collected it at two points during the internship. The midpoint was at 6 weeks in and the final feedback was at 12 weeks in. However, this round, we’re collecting it at three points: initial feedback at 2 weeks in, midpoint feedback at 8 weeks in, and final feedback at 12 weeks.
Collecting feedback three times meant more overhead for evaluating feedback and sending the results to our fiscal sponsor, the Software Freedom Conservancy. I wrote code in December to allow the Outreachy internship website to collect feedback from mentors as to whether interns should be paid their initial stipend.
We’re also collecting different feedback this round. I’m collecting feedback from both interns and mentors, based on a suggestion from a former Outreachy intern. Interns and mentors are asked the same questions, like “How long does it take (you/your intern) to respond to questions or feedback?” and “How long does it take (your mentor/you) to respond to questions and feedback?” That way, I can compare people’s self-evaluations with what the other person involved in the internship thinks.
There’s also a freeform-text for interns to give feedback on how their mentor is doing. This is important, because many Outreachy mentors are new to mentoring. They may need to have some coaching to understand how they can be more supportive to their interns. While most of the interns are doing great, I can see that I’m going to need to nudge a couple of mentor and intern pairs in the right direction.
Interviews with Alums
I did video interviews with five Outreachy interns at the Mozilla All Hands in December 2019. I loved interviewing them, because it’s great to hear their personal stories. I’ll be using the footage to create videos to promote the Outreachy program.
I’ve created short-hand transcripts of two of the videos, but haven’t gotten to the other five. Transcripts help for a couple reasons. Most importantly, I can add closed captioning to the finished videos. I also have a searchable text database for when I need to find quotes about a particular topic. Seeing the text allows me to group similar experiences and create a cohesive narrative for the promotional video.
Ramping up for May 2019 Internships
The Outreachy December 2018 to March 2019 internships are just starting, but we’re already thinking of the next round. January is typically the time we start pinging communities to see if they want to be involved in mentoring interns during the February to March application period.
That means we need to have the website ready to handle both a currently running internship cohort, and a new internship round where mentors can submit projects. There’s some technical debt in the Outreachy website code that we need to address before we can list the next round’s internship dates.
The Outreachy website is designed to guide internship applicants through the application process. It’s built with a web framework tool called Django, which is written in Python. Django makes web development easier, because you can define Python classes that represent your data. Django then uses those classes to create a representation in the database. The part of Django that translates Python into database schema is called the ORM (Object Relational Mapper).
For example, the Outreachy website keeps track of internship rounds (the RoundPage class). Each internship round has dates and other information associated with it. For example, it has the date for when the application period starts and ends, and when the internship starts and end.
It makes sense to store internship rounds in a database, because all internship rounds have the same kinds of deadlines associated with them. You can do database queries to find particular rounds in the database. For example, the Django Python code to look up the latest round (based on when the interns start their internship) is RoundPage.objects.latest(‘internstarts’).
The work I’ve recently been doing is to deal with the fact that two internship rounds can be active at once. We’re about to open the next internship round for mentors to submit new projects. On February 18, the next application period will open. But the December 2018 round of internships will still be active until March 4.
The Outreachy website’s pages has to deal with displaying data from multiple rounds. For example, on the Outreachy organizers’ dashboard page, I need to be able to send out reminder emails about final mentor feedback for the December 2018 round, while still reviewing and approving new communities to participate in the May 2019 round. Outreachy mentors need to still be able to submit feedback for their current intern in the December 2018 round, while (potentially) submitting a new project for the May 2019 round.
It’s mostly a lot of refactoring and debugging Python code. I’m writing more Django unit tests to deal with corner cases. Sometimes it’s hard to debug when something fails in the unit test, but doesn’t fail in our local deployment copy. I’m fairly new to testing in Django, and I wrote my first test recently! I feel really silly for not starting on the tests sooner, but I’m slowly catching up to things!
What’s Next?
January 2019 is going to be spent contacting communities about participating in the May 2018 to August 2018 round. I have some video footage of Outreachy interns I interviewed at the Tapia conference and Mozilla All Hands, and I hope to put it into a promotional video to inspire people to become mentors. It’s a fun exercise that uses some of the video editing skills I have from making fanvideos.
I’ll also be at FOSDEM in February 2019. If you’re there, find me in either the Software Freedom Conservancy booth on Saturday, or the Community devroom on Sunday. I’ll also be helping out with the Copyleft Conference on Monday.
I’ll be giving a talk at FOSDEM on changing team culture to better support people with impostor syndrome. The goal is not to ask people with impostor syndrome to change, but instead to figure out how to change our culture so that we don’t create or trigger impostor syndrome. The talk is called “Supporting FOSS Community Members with Impostor Syndrome“. The talk will be from 9:10am to 9:40am on Sunday (the first talk slot).